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McKenzie Fields Lickety Split

ROSE GREY SURI Lickety Split has a stunning coloured rose grey fleece. She had her first cria in January 2021 – a solid medium fawn boy. She was a very caring and attentive mother. She has some great genetics on board, with her sire Franklin producing some lovely cria for us over the years. We imported his sire Genesis Isaac from Australia in 2010, but sadly he died in 2012 only producing a handful of cria. Isaac has a beautiful lustrous medium fawn fleece and excellent bone –traits which he passed onto Franklin and I can see in Lickety. A great opportunity to get a rare rose grey female into your herd. Lickety Split can be mated to a male of your choice prior to leaving the property. Colour: Rose Grey Breed: Suri DOB: 19/01/2018 IAR Number: 1019943 Sire: McKenzie Fields Franklin (Rose Grey) Dam: McKenzie Fields Lunar (Med Brown)

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